Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who Owns the Family?

by Pastor Paul Michael Raymond-Appomattox, VA

An Illinois court has explained parens patriae in the following manner: “It is the unquestionable right and imperative duty of every enlightened government, in its character of parens patriae, to protect and provide for the comfort and well being of such for its citizens. The performance of these duties is justly regarded as one of the most important governmental functions, and all constitutional limitations must be so understood as not to interfere with its proper and legitimate exercise.” County of McLean v. Humphreys (III.1882)

This law gives power to the state to protect and educate all children as it sees fit. It furthermore, gives the state the authority to supersede the God given custodial authority of the parent over the child. Thus, the state has proclaimed itself the legitimate authority and ruler of the family. This declaration is in direct conflict with the Holy Scriptures.

To read the rest of this article, click HERE.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Family Devotions and Training Christian Men to Lead

James Bartlett, Bottineau, ND.
Family devotions have been a part of our day since before we began home schooling, but as the boys have grown into men, the depth, applications, and intensity of our devotions have been exciting and life changing. For example, we just compared the Calvinist, Hyper-Calvinist and Arminian theological perspectives as a part of our pondering what made the United States a Christian nation, and what it would take for North Dakota to become a Christian state. We learned that Puritan leaders believed that God’s Word applied to all nations because Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. They saw the state deity worship displayed in the Scriptures by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, and Romans as directly competing with the Lordship of Christ and violating the First Commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” So, to make a long story short, the Puritans understood that since Jesus is King of Kings, then civil government is not free to write laws which go beyond those given by the King of Kings in Scripture.

To read the rest of this article and other articles (such as Do Great Homeschoolers Really Need Socratic Dialog?, Scope and Sequence…Useful or Waste of Time?, Recommended List of Children’s Literature, Booknotes, The Blessed Life and Educational methods and philosophies), join the NDHSA and ask for a copy of the Volume 24 Issue 5 of THE HOME SCHOOL REPORT from September 2010.